Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the office address?
We are conveniently located a ½ block north of Fondren and Westheimer in the Piney Pointe Professional Building.
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Stuart J. Nathan & Associates
2450 Fondren Rd. Suite 312
Houston, TX 77063-2323
Where can I obtain the registration forms that I need to be complete prior to my initial visit?
Patient Portal Link Click Here
What are the office hours?
Normal office hours (excluding holidays) are:
Monday-Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
How do I make an appointment, can I just walk in?
Patients are seen by appointment only. All appointments are made by telephone. Please call our office at 713-789-7560 to schedule an appointment.
For calls outside our normal office hours of Monday-Thursday 9am–6pm and Friday 9am–4pm please leave a message. We will return your phone on the next available business day.
What if I need to cancel my appointment?
All appointments must be cancelled 24 hours prior to visit to avoid a charge for missed appointments or no show. The fee is $140.00. The fee charged after the new patient appointment and one missed or no show appointment. Insurance will not cover this fee and this information is part of the new patient paperwork completed at the first visit.
What forms of payment do you accept and what insurance providers do you work with?
For payments we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, cash or check.
We work with the following insurance providers: Aetna, BCBS, Humana, Multiplan, PHCS, Cigna HealthSpring, Medicare, Medicaid, Molina, Amerigroup, Optum, Evernorth, Ambetter, Community HealthChoice, Tricare East, Compsych, and First Health. For a comprehensive list of insurance we work with please call 713-789-7560.
How can I speak to the doctor after hours?
If you have an emergency, please call 713-789-7560 press"0" for the operator and our answering service will take your name and number and have the doctor on call contact you immediately. Or call 911.
Why do I owe money to this office?
Please contact the office by calling 713-789-7560 and we can look at the account and answer any questions.
Can testing be sent to me?
No. The testing must be taken in person at the office for validation.
Dr. Stuart J. Nathan
Dr. Karen West
Dr. Steven Callahan
Dr. Alyssa Mineo
Dr. Tara Chace
If you saw a doctor while in the hospital and have questions regarding billing or other issues please call the office at 713-789-7560